Baked peach crisp with Worthy’s Earl Grey Lavender jam filling in a bowl with vanilla ice cream next to a plate of peach slices.

Worthy's Peach & Lavender Crisp

Featuring: Worthy's Earl Grey Lavender Peach Jam

Grandma's peach crisp with a twist! This simple and easy recipe featuring Worthy's Earl Grey Lavender Peach Jam is a fan favourite. This homestyle comfort food is great for warming the soul and bringing friends and loved ones together!

Prep Time: 30 mins

Cook Time: 35 mins

Cool Time:  10 - 15 mins

Total Time: 1 hr 30 mins

Servings: 6

  • Ingredients

    Peach Filling:

    2 1/2 lbs peaches (6-7 medium-sized)

    1/4 cup Worthy's Earl Grey Lavender Peach Jam

    3 tbsp all-purpose flour

    1 tsp lemon zest

    1 tsp vanilla extract

    1/4 tsp nutmeg

    *Note: It is recommended to wait till the peaches are very ripe so they peel easily.

    Crisp Topping:

    1 cup white whole wheat flour or all-purpose flour

    1 cup rolled oats

    1/3 cup light brown sugar

    1/4 cup softened butter

    1/4 cup light extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil

    2 tbsp white sugar

    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    1/2 tsp kosher salt

    Serve with vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt (optional)

  • Utensils

    1 Set of Measuring Tools

    1 9x9 Oven Safe Baking Dish

    1 Non-Stick Cooking Spray

    1 Roll of Aluminum Foil

    1 Large Bowl

    1 Medium Sauce Pan

    1 Peeler or Pairing Knife

    1 Knife

    1 Whisk

  • Step 1: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

    Step 2: Coat a 9x9 inch baking dish with nonstick spray.

    Step 3: Peel and cut peaches into slices.

    Step 4: Add sliced peaches, Worthy's Earl Grey Lavender Peach Jam, all-purpose flour, lemon zest, vanilla extract and nutmeg to a large bowl and mix together.

    Step 5: Make the crisp topping by heating butter and oil in a medium saucepan until the butter melts.

    Step 6: Whisk in brown and white sugar into the medium saucepan until fully combined and melted.

    Step 7: Stir in oats, white whole wheat flour, cinnamon, and salt into the saucepan until combined together.

    Step 8: Turn off the heat and stir the peach mixture from the large bowl into the saucepan.

    Step 9: Add peach filling to the 9x9 oven-safe baking dish.

    Step 10: Add the crisp topping over top of the peach filling.

    Step 11: Place the baking dish in the oven and cook for 20 minutes.

    Step 12: Pull the crisp out of the oven and cover the baking dish with aluminum foil.

    Step 13: Place the baking dish back into the oven for another 10-15 mins until the crisp is lightly browned and bubbly on the top.

    Step 14: Let the crisp cool for 10-15 minutes, then plate and serve with vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt.

    Step 15: Enjoy!